Thursday, January 5, 2012

Secret of the Night Ponies

Source:  Goodreads

Joan Hiatt Harlow
Source:  Goodreads

From the Back Cover...

Jessie Wheller is a girl who knows her own heart and will do everything she can to follow it.  So when Jessie discovers a neglected orphan girl and a captured herd of wild ponies, she is ready (or at least, more than willing) to come to the rescue.  With her Newfoundland dog, Blizzard, Jessie is never at a loss for helpful companions.  And help is what she will need to survive a daring midnight adventure.

Author Joan Hiatt Harlow revisits the rugged shores of Newfoundland in 1965 in this exciting story of a girl and her beloved horses.

Joan Hiatt Harlow is the award-winning author of Star in the Storm, Thunder from the Sea, and Blown Away!


Secret of the Night Ponies is a book that my daughter purchased at her last school book fair.  I really enjoy reading children's books and I try to read most of the books my daughter buys and reads.  It's something that I really enjoy being able to share with her, and something I feel that all parents should do.  We should know what our kids are reading, watching, and listening to.  Plus I know it makes her feel good for Mom to read her books.  I love talking books with my little girl.

I really enjoyed this book, and I loved the main character, Jessie.  She is an innocent yet spunky girl.  Her love for her family, her animals, and her home is refreshing.  She is a great illustration of what courage means:  doing what's right even when it scares you. 

I feel like this is a great book for kids, and I can't wait for my daughter to read it.

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