Friday, January 20, 2012

What An Appropriate Title...Catching Fire

Source:  Goodreads

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the annual competition described in The Hunger Games, but the aftermath leaves these victors with no sense of triumph.  Instead, they have become the poster children for a rebellion that they never planned to lead.  The new, unwanted status puts them in the bull's-eye for merciless revenge by the Capitol...

Suzanne Collins
Author of The Hunger Games Series
Source:  Goodreads


I just finished Catching Fire, and when I say just finished, I mean I read the last word of the book ten minutes ago.  I just couldn't wait to blog about it.  I know I should probably wait a few hours and think about it a little, but I won't because I loved it!  For me, Catching Fire was even better than The Hunger Games.

After reading the first book I said I loved Katniss's character, but now after reading  Catching Fire I know that was a huge understatement.  What Collins was able to do with her character is amazing.  I don't like her  because she's perfect and always knows the right answer.  It's quite the contrary actually.  She is an extremely flawed, scared young woman who at her core is very good.  She has all the great qualities of a heroine...bravery, toughness, skill, honor, undying love, and spunk, but she also has the qualities that make her very real...fear, jealousy, pain, mental break downs, indecision, moodiness, anger, and at times weakness.  These real qualities are what make her bravery and unconditional love for Peeta (fellow tribute), Gale (best friend), and her family all the more believable and inspiring.

Katniss isn't the only good thing about this book.  I really like all the characters especially Peeta.   The story itself was riveting to me.  The book is full danger, sadness, humor, happiness, anger and yes sappy love stuff, and I felt it all.

I love to read, and I find that I enjoy most books I read.  But I really love when I come across books that make me remember why I'm so passionate about reading--the books and characters that stay with you long after you've finished the book.  Yes I know this is YA fiction, and I am no longer a young adult.  I am a 35 year old mother, but a great story is a great story no matter how old you are.

Now I'm off to the rest of my day, eagerly anticipating later this evening when I can dive into Mockingjay which at this moment is on my kitchen counter.


  1. It was so hard to wait between books! I thought MOCKINGJAY was excellent - the characters continue to grow, but they are still recognizably themselves. Enjoy it!

    1. Hi MJ! I'm just starting Mockingjay. I'm super excited.

  2. I am so glad you loved "Catching Fire"!! My mom just finished it this weekend and is on "Mockingjay" now! I think this is one of my absolute favorite series. Enjoy!

    1. I totally agree Susie! It's my favorite too.
